If you want to have route between two cities on the map, Use Live.Com site.
Route between Pune and Kalyan
If you want to have route between two cities on the map, Use Live.Com site.
When a new column is added to a table being referenced by a view, the new column will not automatically be reflected to the view, especially if the view is doing a SELECT * from the table.
For the new column to be reflected on the view, you have to refresh the definition of the view using the sp_refreshview system stored procedure. The sp_refreshview system stored procedure refreshes the metadata for the specified view.
Let us check this by example.
Create Table Customers:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers] (
[CustomerID] INT,
[CustomerName] VARCHAR(100),
[Address] VARCHAR(100)
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[CustomersView]
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers]
Now just do this
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CustomersView]
This will give all records from the view with all the columns of [dbo]. [Customers] table.
Now let's add one more column to to above table
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customers] ADD [Gender] CHAR(1)
UPDATE [dbo].[Customers] SET [Gender] = 'M'
Now once again perform SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CustomersView]
This view will not include the new [Gender] column in the output.
EXECUTE sp_refreshview '[dbo].[CustomersView]'
After issuing this statement, the view will now include the new [Gender] column in the output.
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