Saturday, March 28, 2009

Meeting with Dr. Kakarmath

Last to last Sunday when I met to Dr. Kakarmath, that was one of the scheduled meeting of Giants International Group.

By the way, I am the member of Giants International Group and Dr. Kakarmath is the president of this group for Kalyan Metro. For last several years, the organization is busy in doing social work, such as helping poor but needy and talented students getting free school books and school dresses, tree plantation on open spaces etc. ( I have mentioned only those activities in which i was involved. Actually there are so many to mention that space here will come short.).

Dr. Kakarmath has been my family doctor for last 10 years. So we have developed good relationship between us. I met him after Giants meeting. In a flow of talk, I just asked him about his dispensary and asked him to come out of the daily paperwork for keeping patients information.(I was knowing the fact that he keeps one file per family and whenever any family member visits his dispensary; he keeps paper, scribbled after checking the patient and prescription given to him, inside it. That is the way, he keeps patients information.). I queried the reason behind not using the software to keep this information. In reply to that, Doctor told me that he was aware of the softwares available in the market but all softwares were meant for the hospitals or for the dispensaries having beds for the patients.

When I see the family doctors in my area, all of them still use diaries or the folders similar to Dr. Kakarmath to keep patients information and their last prescription given. I think small doctors are still away from this Software Revolution. I have promised Dr. Kakarmath to help in this case. and have started working on it. I hope the software which I am implementing will come up as handy tool for him and some of his doctor friends.

As a part of the software, I am done with the database design. And really forcing myself to create a very good UI. I am learning WPF but i think, getting mastery in WPF will take some time. So I will start with Windows Forms only. Some of my friends are also having experience in implementing their own softwares.( obviously in different domain.). Their experiences will guide me to frame user friendly and well presented GUI.

I will keep on posting my experiences on my blog.

~ Kiran

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Delete All Databases Except System Databases

Many times I require to create databases with different configurations for testing purpose.(This includes databases having special characters in their names, databases with different sizes, databases having data files on different locations. etc). As soon as I finish unit testing of the functionality , I have to delete those many databases manually from SQL Server Management Studio.

Today,Two times I had to delete 15 such databases manually :(. But now no more manual work. I have written SQL script for it :)

USE [master]

DECLARE @database_name NVARCHAR (4000);

-- Collect all user created databases into cursor
DECLARE databases_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT name FROM sys.databases as d where d.database_id > 4
OPEN databases_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM databases_cursor
INTO @database_name

    PRINT 'Dropping Database ' + @database_name
    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(4000);
    SET @database_name = REPLACE(@database_name,']',']]');
    SET @cmd = 'ALTER DATABASE ['+@database_name+'] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; DROP DATABASE ['+@database_name+'];'
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd
    FETCH NEXT FROM databases_cursor
    INTO @database_name
CLOSE databases_cursor
DEALLOCATE databases_cursor